The Musical Association “International Guitar Competition Maurizio Biasini” cciMB organises an online video competition, which is open to the participants of the 5th cciMB who were selected for the semifinal round of the 5th cciMB in September – October 2021. The participation in this video round is VOLUNTARY and will in NO WAY influence the ongoing classical guitar performance competition (semifinal and final round cciMB 2021).
Produce a video (3-8 min), in which you explore your art and the guitar. The guitar music may be contextualized for an audience which is much wider than the usual guitar “family” and community. It may be serious, funny, experimental, and set up in whatever context you feel best and most inspired. There is no stylistic expectation or limit, except that it must include at least 3 minutes of classical guitar which is played by you, the semifinalist, and transmit your vision of the guitar, although it may also include other instruments and artists.
The video should present you and your music in an interesting, surprising way that may be helpful for your further career. The video must include at least 3 minutes of your classical guitar playing in the audio, but in the video you are free to explore your vision of the classical guitar.
The theme of the video competition is GUITAR 2020.
Participants must be the original creator of their entry, which must not be a re-edited version of other works.
Videos containing any inappropriate content (e.g. violence, racism, pornography) will not be accepted.
Videos should be between 3 – 8 minutes long and must be created after 2O July 2020.
All artists, musicians, and technicians involved in the creation of the video must agree to the authorizations and rights/permits granted of the video presented to the competition. The Association cciMB will decline any sort of responsibility regarding authorship issues.
The videos, which cannot be previously published, must be sent as a digital file or uploaded on Vimeo (protected by password and downloadable).
The minimum quality should be:
o file: QuickTime or mp4
o resolution: 1920x1080
o frame rate: 24, 25 or 30fps
o codecs: H.264 with AAC
Your video GUITAR 2020 must be submitted or uploaded on Vimeo with a password no later than 23 November 2020. There is NO APPLICATION FEE. In addition to the video, participants must provide a short, written introduction to their work (max. 100 words). Furthermore, the participants are required to confirm and testify explicitly, that actually they themselves are playing the 3 (or more) minutes of guitar music in the video.
The most original, artistic, and interesting videos will be chosen by our international Jury consisting of guitarists and musicians from various countries and of established reputation in the music world, and one (1) professional video expert. All competitors must accept, without appeal, the decisions of the Jury, regarding the awarding of prizes.
The winners of the competition will be announced on 15 December 2020.
1st prize: € 1’500.00 (one thousand five hundred Euro)
2nd prize: € 1’000.00 (one thousand Euro)
3rd prize: € 500.00 (five hundred Euro)
All winner videos will be published exclusively by the Biasini Competition for 3 months, until 31 March 2021.