cciMB 2020/2021

Starting soon: 5th cciMB IN BOLOGNA: 27 SEP – 2 OCT, 2021!

After almost exactly 10 years, the International Guitar Competition Maurizio Biasini & Festival returns to Bologna, Italy, for its 5th edition.  Promoted by the City of Bologna and in collaboration with the Conservatory of Bologna, the cciMB 2021 (postponed from 2020) Competition & Festival will take place from 27 September to 2 Ocober, in various locations in the city with the final round at the historical Teatro Comunale di Bologna, designed by the famous architect Antonio Galli da Bibbiena. We are delighted to announce that, once more, the finalists will play a guitar concerto with orchestra. A new composition, Corren los Soles, to be played in the semifinal and final rounds, has been written for the cciMB 2021 by Argentinian composer Alex Nante (1992, Buenos Aires), winner of the second prize at the Basel Orchestra Competition 2019. The score was made available to participants upon completion of their application.
The winner of the competition will receive a cash prize of € 12 000, an invitation to perform a recital in Basel, Switzerland (Rising Stars series of the Allgemeine Musikgesellschaft Basel) as well as concerts in Italy (Bologna), France (Paris) and other countries. In addition, a special prize of € 1 000 (NIER Ingegneria) will be awarded to the best performance of the commissioned composition Corren los Soles. Through an online video audition, 23 semifinalists have been selected by our international Jury of renowned guitarists and musicians: David Tanenbaum (USA), Stephan Schmidt (Switzerland), Gérard Abiton (France), Michael Hampel (Germany), Walter Zanetti, Alberto Martelli, and Marco Vinicio Carnicelli (Italy).