Admission to all events is free but reservations are required, subject to availability.  To attend any of the concerts and other events, it will be mandatory to show a Green Pass (EU Digital COVID Certificate or equivalent), accompanied by a valid identity card, and wear a face mask. The program and time schedule are subject to change due to possible COVID restrictions. Please follow the instructions received at the time of booking regarding the staggered entrance to the venues in order to avoid crowds.


MONDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER 2021 | 21:00 - Opening concert

For booking, please send an email to indicating name and surname. Subject line should state: Concerto d'apertura cciMB 2021

TUESDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER 2021 | 21:00 - Concert performed on ancient musical instruments

Please go the following link to register:

WEDNESDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER 2021 | 21:00 - Celebration concert 10th anniversary cciMB

Tel. 051 2193998

Tuesday and Thursday, h 14:00 - 18.30;

Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, h 10.00 - 18.00

THURSDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER 2021 | 21:00 - Concert

 Please go the following link to register: 

FRIFRIDAY, 1 OCTOBER 2021 | 19:00 and 21:00 - Concert and tour San Colombano Museum

Please go the following link to register:

SATURDAY, 2 OCTOBER 2021 | 19:00 - Finale round with orchestra and award ceremony

Please go the following link to register: