10 Sep, 2021 486

Countdown has begun! Featured

In less than three weeks, the 5th International Guitar Competition Maurizio Biasini – cciMB & Festival (27 September - 2 October, 2021) will kick off in Bologna with the opening concert at the G.B. Martini Conservatory featuring guitar duo Agnès & Gérard Abiton, guitarist Marco Vinicio Carnicelli and guitar quartet Opera Nova. We can’t wait to welcome the cciMB2020/2021 semifinalists to Bologna, after a 1 year wait due to the COVID19 pandemic. A total prize money of  € 20 000  is at stake and for the winner an invitation to perform a recital in Basel, Switzerland (Rising Stars series of the Allgemeine Musikgesellschaft Basel) as well as concerts in Italy (Bologna), France (Paris) and other countries. In addition, a special prize of € 1 000, offered by NIER Ingegneria, will be awarded for the best performance of the commissioned composition Corren los Soles by Alex Nante. Besides the competition, the cciMB 2021 Festival offers a rich program of concerts and events, held in various historical locations of the town, like the elegant Galleria Vidoniana of the Collezione Comunale d’Art, the San Colombano Museum and the 18th century Teatro Comunale di Bologna, which will host the Final round on 2 October (19:00). Check out the Festival program here.

Last modified on Sunday, 03 October 2021 14:50
  • Association International Guitar Competition Maurizio Biasini
  • St. Jakobs-Strasse 34
  • CH-4052 Basel Switzerland
  • Email: biasinicompetition@gmail.com


Results of the cciMB 2021!

After winning the…

Countdown has begun!

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